Film Synopsis
Lou may be only 13 but she is wise beyond her years. As a result,
she has few friends and leads a solitary existence, neglected by her mother,
who is dependent on tranquillisers. Lou's school work provides a welcome
refuge from her loneliness, and she is particularly absorbed by her latest
project, which requires her to gather information for a presentation on homelessness.
The Gare d'Austerlitz, one of Paris's busiest train stations, seems like a
good place to start. Here, Lou soon makes the acquaintance of a homeless
girl who is not much older than herself and appears to be just as cut off
from the world as she is - except that she has nowhere to live and no one
to look after her. In exchange for a drink, the stranger allows Lou
to interview her.
The older girl introduces herself as Nora, although she likes to be called
No, as this is what everyone says to her all of the time. She is 18,
has no family of her own and has spent her entire life in care. Now
she lives on the streets, barely surviving on the money she obtains by begging.
Lou cannot help but be moved by No's sad story. Feeling that she has
found a friend, she is keen to renew the acquaintance, but the next time she
returns to the spot the older girl has disappeared. Instantly, Lou
is seized by the conviction that No needs her help, so she hastily sets about
looking for her. When she finally catches up with her, No is in a desperate
state. Lou cannot prevent herself from inviting her to stay with her
at her home...
© James Travers
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