Film Index

French cinema: 1939

Berlingot et compagnie (1939)
Fernand Rivers

François and Victor are the proud owners of a stall that has a roaring trade in tasty homemade sweets at a popular funfair...   [More...]

La Charrette fantôme (1939)
Julien Duvivier

He who hears the wheels of the Ghost Wagon knows he is soon going to die. Every year on New Year's Eve, the Wagon, driven by Death himself, comes to claim someone at midnight.....   [More...]

Le Chemin de l'honneur (1939)
Jean-Paul Paulin

Georges Imbert is a sergeant in the French Foreign Legion who has served with distinction for five years. Now, to his surprise, he finds his services are no longer required...   [More...]

Les Cinq sous de Lavarède (1939)
Maurice Cammage

Armand Lavarède is an inveterate yarn spinner who delights in regaling anyone who cares to listen with his accounts of his wild and highly implausible exploits...   [More...]

Circonstances atténuantes (1939)
Jean Boyer

Two months into his retirement Gaëtan Le Sentencier, once a busy and highly respected judge, finds himself at a loose end...   [More...]

Le Dernier tournant (1939)
Pierre Chenal

Frank, a young drifter, arrives at a remote service station on a mountain road near to Marseille. Here, the kindly old owner, Nick, offers him a job which he readily accepts...   [More...]

Dernière jeunesse (1939)
Jeff Musso

Georges returns to France, having lived most of his life in the colonies, a solitary and world-weary man. One evening, he makes the acquaintance of Marcelle, an impoverished young woman who is tired of life...   [More...]

Derrière la façade (1939)
Georges Lacombe

Two rival police inspectors, Boucheron and Baumer, investigate the murder of the owner of a well-to-do apartment block. Madame Mathieu has been found stabbed to death in the lift, and there is no shortage of suspects...   [More...]

Le Duel (1939)
Pierre Fresnay

Thérèse Jaillon is unhappily married to an aviator who is obsessed with breaking aeronautical records. One Christmas, when her husband sets out on a flight she wishes that he would die in an accident...   [More...]

Entente cordiale (1939)
Marcel L'Herbier

In 1898, the aging Queen Victoria presides over a flourishing empire whilst her eldest son, Edward Prince of Wales, amuses himself in the fleshpots of Paris...   [More...]

L'Esclave blanche (1939)
Marc Sorkin

In the early 1900s, a Turkish diplomat Vedad Bey returns to his home country, accompanied by his young French wife Mireille...   [More...]

La Famille Duraton (1939)
Christian Stengel

The Martins are an ordinary French family who live a simple but contented life in the country. When a stranger, Sammy Walter, injures himself in a car accident just outside their front door they naturally come to his help...   [More...]

La Fin du jour (1939)
Julien Duvivier

After a final performance, the faded star Raphael Saint-Clair is ready to take up residence at the Abbaye de Saint-Jean-la-Rivière, a retirement home for actors who have fallen on hard times...   [More...]

Fric-Frac (1939)
Claude Autant-Lara

Marcel is an honest, perhaps too trusting, young man who works for a small firm of jewellers in Paris. His employer's daughter Renée has made up her mind to marry him but he shows her no interest and resents her attempts to control his life...   [More...]

Les Gangsters du château d'If (1939)
René Pujol

In Marseille, Jean Mariol publishes a magazine that is devoted to hunting, fishing and tall stories. Jean and his former mistress Odette Paradis, an aspiring young author, have agreed to go their separate ways, but as a publicity stunt the two stage a fake kidnapping so that Odette can obtain a fat cheque from a publisher for her latest novel, The Daughter of Monte Cristo...   [More...]

Le Héros de la Marne (1939)
André Hugon

In a small village in Marne in 1914, Lefrançois forbids his son Jean from marrying Hélène. When she finds she is pregnant with Jean's child, Hélène leaves the area and moves to Amiens...   [More...]

Ils étaient neuf célibataires (1939)
Sacha Guitry

When a law is passed authorising the expulsion of all foreigners from France, a small time conman, Jean, sees an opportunity to make money...   [More...]

Jeunes filles en détresse (1939)
Georg Wilhelm Pabst

Jacques and Marthe Presle are too preoccupied with their respective careers - he is a divorce lawyer, she a busy surgeon - to devote much time to their teenage daughter Jacqueline...   [More...]

Le Jour se lève (1939)
Marcel Carné

François, an ordinary factory worker, barricades himself in his one-room lodgings, after shooting dead another man...   [More...]

Louise (1939)
Abel Gance

Louise, a young Parisian seamstress, is in love with Julien, a struggling composer who lives opposite her apartment in Montmartre...   [More...]

Macao, l'enfer du jeu (1939)
Jean Delannoy

In the late 1930s, China and Japan are locked in a fierce military conflict. Mireille, a French actress, is one of many hundreds of westerners who are desperately seeking a safe way out of war-torn China...   [More...]

Le Monde tremblera (1939)
Richard Pottier

With capital supplied by the unscrupulous banker Emil Lasser, Dr Jean Durand succeeds in creating a machine that can predict, to the nearest minute, when an individual will die...   [More...]

Noix de coco (1939)
Jean Boyer

Loulou Barbentane is a successful horticulturist who lives in the south of France with his second wife Caroline, son Antoine, daughter Fernande and imbecilic son-in-law Josserand...   [More...]

Pièges (1939)
Robert Siodmak

The mysterious disappearance of eleven young women in Paris has so far stumped the capital's police. It is a sign of how desperate things are becoming that Superintendent Ténier has to resort to enlisting the help of Adrienne Charpentier, a close friend of the latest victim...   [More...]

Raphaël le tatoué (1939)

Modeste Manosque finds himself in trouble when he is spotted by his employer at Luna Park one evening in the company of a pretty blonde Aline...   [More...]

La Règle du jeu (1939)
Jean Renoir

The aviator André Jurieux returns to France after a record-breaking flight, but is heart-broken when the woman he loves, Christine de la Chesnaye, is not there to meet him...   [More...]

Sans lendemain (1939)
Max Ophüls

A series of personal misfortunes has brought Evelyne Morin to her present degrading circumstances. She married too young, to a man who was not worthy of her - an unscrupulous adventurer who left her virtually destitute when he died...   [More...]

Tourbillon de Paris (1939)
Henri Diamant-Berger

A group of students who are in Paris to sit their exams find themselves desperately in need of ready cash. They like to perform music for their own amusement, so it suddenly occurs to them that they could take advantage of this shared passion to earn themselves a little money...   [More...]

La Tradition de minuit (1939)
Roger Richebé

Clara Véry, a singer at the nightclub Le Soleil noir, receives an anonymous telephone call inviting her to attend a meeting the next day in a café...   [More...]

Trois de Saint-Cyr (1939)
Jean-Paul Paulin

Despite the objections of his father, a wealthy banker, Jean Le Moyne enters Saint-Cyr, France's most prestigious military academy, to become an officer in the French army...   [More...]

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