Film Synopsis
Philippe Fournier, known to his friends as Paco, decides not to return
his two sons, aged six and seven, to their mother, even though she has
custody of them. Instead, he runs away with them, taking shelter
in whatever they can find - barns, farmhouses, caravans. The two
boys, Okyesa and Tsali, are soon teenagers, living a wild existence
with their father, in harmony with nature and the animals they
encounter. Pursued by the authorities and hunted relentlessly by
their mother, they settle into a nomad existence that is as perilous as
it is liberating. It is in the course of this eleven year long
adventure that the boys will discover who they are...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Cédric Kahn
- Script: Okwari Fortin (book),
Shahi'Yena Fortin (book),
Xavier Fortin (book),
Cédric Kahn,
Nathalie Najem,
Laurence Vidal (book)
- Cinematographer: Yves Cape
- Music: Mathias Duplessy
- Cast: Mathieu Kassovitz (Philippe Fournier, dit Paco),
Céline Sallette (Carole Garcia, dite Nora),
David Gastou (Tsali (9 ans)),
Sofiane Neveu (Okyesa (8 ans)),
Romain Depret (Tsali (adolescent)),
Jules Ritmanic (Okyesa (adolescent)), Jenna Thiam (Céline),
Tara-Jay Bangalter (Thomas (11 ans)),
Amandine Dugas (Clara),
Michaël Dichter (Gaspard),
Brigitte Sy (Geneviève), Olivier Granier (Le père de Nora),
Dominique Bes (La mère de Nora),
Julien Thiou (Clovis),
Judith Simon (Dom),
Emilia Derou-Bernal (La voisine en Normandie)
- Country: Belgium / France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 106 min
- Aka: Wild Life