Trois mondes (2012)
Directed by Catherine Corsini

aka: Three Worlds

Film Synopsis

Al, a young man of humble origins, is about to marry his boss's daughter and take over his car dealership.  Before he does so, he has one last wild night on the town with his friends to mark the end of his youth.  But the night ends with a shock when Al knocks down a woman in the street in his fast car.  Encouraged by his friends, he does not stop to help the victim, but the next day he is stricken with guilt and is eager to know what became of the woman he injured.  It so happens that the accident was witnessed by a young woman, Juliette, who came to the help of the unfortunate victim, an illegal immigrant named Véra.  In the hospital where Véra is being treated, Juliette recognises Al as the man who knocked her down and is ready to denounce him to the authorities...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Catherine Corsini
  • Script: Antoine Jaccoud, Lise Macheboeuf, Catherine Corsini, Benoit Graffin
  • Cinematographer: Claire Mathon
  • Music: Grégoire Hetzel
  • Cast: Raphaël Personnaz (Al), Clotilde Hesme (Juliette), Arta Dobroshi (Vera), Reda Kateb (Franck), Alban Aumard (Martin), Adèle Haenel (Marion Testard), Jean-Pierre Malo (Testard), Laurent Capelluto (Frédéric), Rasha Bukvic (Adrian), Virgil Aioanei (Oleg), Dorin Andone (Victor), Martine Vandeville (La mère d'Al), Catherine Davenier (Conseillère banque), Noémie Dujardin (Daphné), Laurence Roy (Mme Testard), Chantal Trichet (Assistante sociale), Philippe Hérisson (Chirurgien), Dominique Parent (Client affable), Mounir Margoum (Officier de police), Pascale Mariani (Infirmière)
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 100 min
  • Aka: Three Worlds

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