Film Synopsis
Jean Cottard, 38, is a cop with literary ambitions. Living in
Lyon, he hasn't seen his family, who live in Paris, for several years,
not since the death of his mother. One day, he receives a letter
from his father and decides to visit the capital - it will be an ideal
occasion for him to show his manuscript to a publisher. Upon his
arrival in Paris, Jean is struck by how much his family have
changed. His father is now living with another woman, Julia, and
appears aged and disillusioned. His sister Hélène
is more cynical and loves to play games with her husband, who involves
himself with his shady dealings. Worst of all, his young brother
Benoît has become a drug addict. Jean is surprised to find
that his father is mixed up in the trafficking of forged paintings and
his stay in Paris soon turns into a police investigation...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Pierre Jolivet
- Script: Bernard Balavoine,
Luc Béraud,
Pierre Jolivet,
Christiane Krüger
- Cinematographer: Christian Lamarque
- Music: Serge Perathoner
- Cast: Pierre Arditi (Jean Cottard),
Jacques Penot (Benoît),
Caroline Chaniolleau (Hélène),
Robert Rimbaud (Le père),
Jean Reno (Detective Villechaize),
Maurice Baquet (Le concierge),
Michel Fortin (Georges Landrin),
Christiane Krüger (Julia),
Simona Benzakein (Judith),
Jean Bouise (Le commissaire),
François Berléand (Gérard),
Richard Guerry (Bertini),
Raymond Aquilon (Le réceptionniste),
Valentina Vargas (La masseuse),
Jean-Paul Muel (L'éditeur),
Bérangère Bonvoisin (Voix seulement),
Wolfgang Muller,
Patrick Schmidt,
Denis Kileen,
Frédérique Noël
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 90 min