Film Synopsis
Lawrence Baffie has what he believes to be a stunning premise for a film
- a comedy that will have audiences rolling in the aisles and critics falling
over themselves in their efforts to come up with the juiciest superlatives
with which to shower it in the popular press. Unfortunately, Baffie
has never made a film before, so finding a producer willing to back his first
project is not the easiest of undertakings. In fact, it is starting
to look like mission impossible. He already has a winning plot and
a superb title -
Les Clefs de bagnole - so all he needs now is a large
tub of money and a suitably bankable lead actor. If he can only persuade
Daniel Russo to play the leading role, his job will be half done! So
what is this comedy masterpiece about? Well, it stems from an unbelievable
but true statistic. According to a serious scientific study, a man
who drives for sixty years will spend on average twenty-three days of his
life searching for his car keys. Twenty-three days! That's enough
time to make a film...
Baffie's film is about an ordinary Joe who spends ninety minutes looking
for his car keys when he finds they are no longer where they should be -
in the right-hand pocket of his jeans. In his efforts to find the missing
keys, our hero searches high and low and gets himself into all sorts of wacky
adventures, before it finally dawns on him what a total idiot he has been.
The keys turn out to be where he least expected to find them - in his left
trouser pocket! What a punch-line! Of course, the beauty of Baffie's
film is that it is far more than just a wonderfully observed comedy, packed
with enough laughs to send you into a deep coma. It is also a poignant
allegory about life. If Baffie intended his debut film to be the most
vivid representation of the utter pointlessness of existence, he has succeeded
way beyond his wildest dreams...
© James Travers
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