Film Synopsis
Bruno Bombec, a one-time football referee, is content to laze around
and let his wife support him in the manner to which he has grown
accustomed. Fernande Bombec, the Secretary of State for Sport,
has had enough of her husband's indolence and decides that the time has
come for him to re-enter the world of work. Alas, she
underestimate Bruno's determination to remain a man of leisure...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Script: Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Cinematographer: Edmond Richard
- Cast: Evelyne Harter (Fernande Bombec),
Jean-Pierre Mocky (Bruno Bombec),
Jean Abeillé (Le directeur de la pouponnière),
Macha Béranger (Mme Gratkine),
Emmanuel Bodin (Parmentier),
Christian Chauvaud (M. Humbert),
Ségolène Piaton (Parmentier),
Jean-Claude Romer (Le projectionniste),
Antoine Valli (Le pasteur),
Henri Attal,
Geneviève Bachelier,
Mathilde Bahon-Laurent,
Mathieu Barbier,
Lény Bueno,
Jean-Pierre Clami,
Stéphane Davidoff,
Pierre Diouf,
Philippe Dufils,
Suzanne Duquesne,
Michel Francini
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 85 min