Film Synopsis
Françoise Barnier is a mother who has done everything she can to
avoid getting to debt. But her personal circumstances are such
that she ends up stealing fifteen hundred francs so that she can feed
her two children. She cannot hope to get away with her crime and,
sure enough, she is soon arrested by the police. As she comes up
against the judicial machine, Françoise finds it impossible to
account for her actions...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Claire Devers
- Script: Jean-Louis Benoît, Claire Devers
- Cinematographer: Hélène Louvart
- Music: Béatrice Thiriet
- Cast: Dominique Blanc (Françoise Barnier),
Denis Podalydès (L'avocat),
Michelle Goddet (Le juge Davray),
Maryline Even (La femme voilée),
Chantal Neuwirth (L'assistante sociale),
Serpentine Teyssier (La substitut stagiaire),
Yves Verhoeven (Inspecteur de police),
Gérard Giroudon (Monsieur Brun),
Catherine Davenier (Juge salle commune),
Christophe Odent (Président du tribunal),
Claude Duparfait (Juge d'appel),
Fanny Florido (Sandra Barnier),
Lucile Marteau (Jennifer Barnier),
Mohamed Abdellaoui (Hassid),
Marc Adjadj (Gérant Rocade),
Karim Baupain (Journaliste),
Céline Carrère (Greffière Juge Davray),
Christophe Caustier (Vigile 2),
Claire Chiron (Odile),
Olivier Claverie (Maitre Vigne)
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 78 min