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French cinema: 1967

Belle de jour (1967)
Luis Buñuel

Although she is loved by her husband Pierre, Séverine Serizy cannot bring herself to have a physical relationship with him...   [More...]

La Chinoise (1967)
Jean-Luc Godard

One summer, whilst living together in an apartment lent to them by a wealthy friend, five students discuss how they can apply the teachings of Mao Tse-tung to their own lives...   [More...]

Les Compagnons de la marguerite (1967)
Jean-Pierre Mocky

An expert in restoring old manuscripts at the National Library, Jean-Louis Matouzec is not a happily married man, but his wife Françoise refuses to give him a divorce...   [More...]

Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)
Jacques Demy

Delphine and Solange are twin sisters living in the French town of Rochefort. Delphine gives ballet lessons whilst Solange teaches music...   [More...]

Deux ou trois choses que je sais d'elle (1967)
Jean-Luc Godard

Paris is a city that is in a state of constant evolution, and so are the people who live there. It has many visages, many guilty secrets, many illusions - and so have the people who live there...   [More...]

Le Grand Meaulnes (1967)
Jean-Gabriel Albicocco

One night, in the course of a strange party that takes place at a remote residence lost in the woods of Sologne, Augustin Meaulnes encounters Yvonne de Galais and immediately falls in love with her, so entranced is he by her exquisite beauty...   [More...]

Jeu de massacre (1967)
Alain Jessua

The author of a series of comic books, Pierre Meyrand is suffering from a severe case of writer's block. When he receives an invitation to the house of Bob Neuman, a great admirer of his work, in Switzerland he cautiously accepts, accompanied by his wife Jacqueline, who illustrates his books...   [More...]

La Loi du survivant (1967)
José Giovanni

Kroll, alias Le Kalmouk, is an adventurer who made his fortune by digging up a fabulous treasure somewhere in Asia with two of his companions...   [More...]

La Mariée était en Noir (1967)
François Truffaut

At a party to celebrate his engagement, a young man named Bliss is drawn to a mysterious woman he has never seen before but who seems to know him...   [More...]

Mouchette (1967)
Robert Bresson

Mouchette, a 14 year old girl, lives a miserable existence in a rural French village. Bullied by her father, compelled to look after her dying mother and her baby sibling, she has been robbed of her childhood...   [More...]

Oscar (1967)
Edouard Molinaro

Bertrand Barnier is a rich businessman whose pride and joy is his designer house in which he leads a tranquil life with his wife Germaine and daughter Colette...   [More...]

Playtime (1967)
Jacques Tati

Paris is not what it once was, as a party of American tourists soon discover when they arrive in the capital. To their disappointment, the city has become just like any other they are familiar with...   [More...]

Les Risques du métier (1967)
André Cayatte

Jean Doucet and his wife Suzanne both teach at a school in the small Normandy village where they have lived peacefully for some years...   [More...]

Le Samouraï (1967)
Jean-Pierre Melville

Killing comes easy to Jef Costello. It is his job, it is what he does best. Others are willing to pay handsomely for his service, which he discharges with cool deadly efficiency...   [More...]

Si j'étais un espion (1967)
Bertrand Blier

Dr Lefèvre is a widower who leads a peaceful life with his daughter Sylvie in the suburbs of Paris. One evening, he is called to visit one of his patients, a depressive named Guérin, but gets no reply when he rings the doorbell...   [More...]

Le Vieil homme et l'enfant (1967)
Claude Berri

In 1943, with France under Nazi occupation, a Jewish couple decide to send their young son, Claude, to live in the country, where they hope he will be safe from arrest...   [More...]

Vivre pour vivre (1967)
Claude Lelouch

Robert Collombs is a well-known French television reporter whose love life is as eventful as his globe-trotting career. Despite being happily married to Catherine, he takes advantage of the freedom offered by his job to carry on numerous affairs without his wife's knowledge...   [More...]

Le Voleur (1967)
Louis Malle

In late 19th century France, Georges Randal devotes himself to robbing the bourgeois rich whom he has grown to despise. He is motivated not by greed but by the satisfaction of punishing those he regards as social parasites...   [More...]

Week End (1967)
Jean-Luc Godard

One perfectly ordinary weekend, a perfectly ordinary married couple get into their car and head off to the country for an ordinary family get-together...   [More...]

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