Les Noces barbares (1987)
Directed by Marion Hänsel

aka: The Cruel Embrace

Film Synopsis

Nicole is married to Micho, a man who is much older than she is.  She has a son, Ludovic, whom her husband has reluctantly agreed to adopt.  Micho has a son of his own, Tatave, who enjoys making Ludovic's life a total misery.  Nicole and her son find it impossible to communicate.  In the end, she has him admitted to an institution for retarded people.
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Marion Hänsel
  • Script: Marion Hänsel, Yann Queffélec (novel)
  • Cinematographer: Walther van den Ende
  • Music: Frédéric Devreese
  • Cast: Marianne Basler (Nicole, la mere), Thierry Frémont (Ludo adolescent), Yves Cotton (Ludo enfant), Marie-Ange Dutheil (Mademoisell Rakoff), André Penvern (Micho), Frédéric Saurel (Tatar), Claudine Delvaux (Madame Blanchard), Jacky Pratoussy (Monsieur Blanchard), Patrick Massieu (Le patron du bistrot), Jean-Louis Benoît (L'instituteur), Willem Carpentier (Will), Pascale Tison (Lise), Henri Gruvman (Odilon), Gerda Marchand (Fine), Christiane Broustet (La vendeuse), Ginette Gaalon (La serveuse), Esouard Dina (Doudou), Maïté de Combe (La pipaniste), Aline Aurin (Enfant de l'asile), Remy Chapelain (Enfant de l'asile)
  • Country: Belgium / France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 99 min
  • Aka: The Cruel Embrace

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