Laurence Ferreira Barbosa is a French film director and screenwriter. She was born in Versailles, France in 1958.
Her best films as a screenwriter include J'ai horreur de l'amour (1997),
Cédric Kahn's L'Ennui (1998) and
Feux rouges (2004), and whose best work as a film director include J'ai horreur de l'amour (1997),
Ordo (2004) and
Soit je meurs, soit je vais mieux (2008).
Laurence Ferreira Barbosa has so far scripted 10 films, directed 6 films and appeared in 1 film.
She has most frequently worked with the following directors: Cédric Kahn (3 films).
Her most frequent genres include: drama (5 films) and comedy-drama (4).
Our average rating for Laurence Ferreira Barbosa over all films is: 3.3
American film comedy had its heyday in the 1920s and '30s, but it remains an important genre and has given American cinema some of its enduring classics.
The cinema of Japan is noteworthy for its purity, subtlety and visual impact. The films of Ozu, Mizoguchi and Kurosawa are sublime masterpieces of film poetry.