Film Synopsis
Pierre, a humble employee in a toy factory, has been married to Anne
for just three years, but already he senses they may be drifting
apart. To avoid an acrimonious break-up later on, the couple
agree to separate. Try as he might, Pierre seems to be incapable
of starting an affair with another woman, not even with
Véronique, one of his colleagues. At a party given by
their friends, Pierre and Anne meet up and settle their
differences. They decide to go on an alpine holiday together but
their truce proves shortlived. As Pierre flirts with
Véronique, Anne allows herself to be seduced by a Don Juan
type. Realising that she can love another man, Anne makes up her
mind to leave Pierre for good...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Script: Jean-Pierre Mocky,
Alain Moury,
Jacques Rouffio,
Raymond Queneau
- Cinematographer: Eugen Schüfftan
- Music: Alain Romans
- Cast: Juliette Mayniel (Anne),
Jean Kosta (Pierre),
Christian Duvaleix (Alex),
Nadine Basile (Clara),
Véronique Nordey (Véronique),
Gérard Hoffman (Antoine),
Gérard Darrieu (M. Mignon),
Jenny Orléans (Julie),
Simone Cendrar (Mme Gratteloup),
Jo Labarrère (Le maître-nageur),
Alice Tissot (Mme Mitouflet),
Claude Mansard (M. Baroche),
Danielle Godet (Christine),
Francis Blanche (M. Gratteloup),
Pierre Durou (Un musicien),
Lucienne Dutertre (Mme Barouche),
Jean-Pierre Mocky (Un voyeur),
Eric Delost,
Alain Morat,
Jean-Claude Bercq
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Black and White
- Runtime: 85 min
- Aka: A Couple