Film Synopsis
Marguerite, a young sales assistant, is invited by her departmental
head, Biscoton, to spend a day by the sea with him. She accepts,
not because she has any liking for the man, but because she can take
the same train as her fiancé, who is unable to pay for her
ticket. Biscoton tells his wife that he is going to attend the
funeral of his aunt, and so he undertakes the journey with a
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Film Credits
- Director: Léo Joannon
- Script: L.C. Marsoudet,
Yves Mirande
- Cinematographer: Robert Lefebvre, Georges Lucas
- Music: Casimir Oberfeld
- Cast: Frédéric Duvallès (Prosper Biscoton),
José Noguéro (Verdurin),
Germaine Roger (Marguerite),
Raymond Cordy (Pigeonnet),
Louis Baron fils (Me Picquois),
Paul Clerget (Le chef de train),
Georges Bever (Porteur),
Robert Seller (Un voyageur),
Paul Grail (Un voyageur),
Paul Demange (Un employé),
Félix Oudart (Inspecteur Plouf),
Saturnin Fabre (M. Bring),
Madeleine Guitty (Tante Ursule),
Jeanne Fusier-Gir (Mlle Culpas),
Pauline Carton (La concierge),
Germaine Brière (Une voyageuse),
Jeanne Remy (Mme Bring),
Marcelle Yrven (Mme Pigeonnet),
Yvonne Yma (La télégraphiste),
Junie Astor (La fleuriste)
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Black and White
- Runtime: 90 min