Film Synopsis
In an old bourgeois building in the heart of Paris there lives a
ten-year-old boy, Roger Palazzi, who has been brought up only by women:
his mother Nicole, his grandmother Minou and his great-grandmother
Génia. The Palazzis are a family of Italian aristocrats
who were expelled from Egypt in the early days of the Republic.
The women of the family are all a little nostalgic about the splendour
of their past. Only Nicole goes out to work. Tired of being
smothered with feminine affection, Roger desperately wants to escape
from this matriarchal household.
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Gabriel Aghion
- Script: Gabriel Aghion,
Philippe Aghion,
Michel Scognamillo,
David Milhaud
- Cinematographer: Robert Alazraki
- Music: Gabriel Yared
- Cast: Brigitte Fossey (Nicole Palazzi),
Stéphane Audran (Minon Palazzi),
Hito Jaulmes (Roger),
Christophe Malavoy (Jacques Dubois),
Roland Bertin (Simon),
Jean-Paul Muel (Victor),
Hella Petri (Génia),
Agnès Garreau (Anne),
Hénia Suchar (Yaël),
Pierre-Loup Rajot (Nino),
Robert Favart,
Florence Guérin,
Noëlle Leiris,
Charlotte Maury-Sentier,
Georges Mavros,
Rose Thiéry,
Gérard Vergez
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 90 min
- Aka: Scarlet Fever