Film Synopsis
Jacob Duff has grown tired of his adoring wife Régina. Yet
there is no reason for his malcontent. His spouse is twenty years
his junior, charming, affectionate, attentive - in short, the ideal
partner. But Jacob has had enough of this cornucopia of charm,
affection and attentiveness. His growing dissatisfaction with
Madame Perfect provokes him into drinking more heavily and he becomes
increasingly violent to the one who loves him...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Script: Jean-Pierre Mocky,
Elisabeth Sanxay Holding (novel)
- Cinematographer: Edmond Richard
- Music: Éric Demarsan
- Cast: Jean-Pierre Mocky (Jacob Duff),
Pierre Cosso (Nolan),
Emilie Hebrard (Régina Duff),
Patricia Barzyk (Mlle Cast),
Alexandra Stewart (Tante Lou),
Dick Rivers (Inspecteur Levy),
Henri Attal,
Fleur Ballini,
Christian Chauvaud,
Jean-Pierre Clami,
Aurélien Gharbe,
Thibaud Letellier,
Georges Lucas,
Fabien Lucciarini,
Thierry Malon,
Pierre-Marcel Ondher,
Delixia Perrine,
Jean-Marie Ployé,
Emmanuelle Weber
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 90 min