Film Synopsis
Antoine Chapelot is a 50-year-old ironmonger who appears perfectly content
with his lacklustre bachelor existence. On learning he has acquired
a small inheritance, he calls on his notary, Maître Chappardon, and
this is how comes to meet Caroline, a bubbly trainee who isn't yet half his
age. It is love at first sight, for both of these seemingly ill-matched
individuals. Even though Antoine is older than Caroline by thirty years,
he has the same capacity for mischief and the two hastily agree to form a
criminal partnership.
Together, this enterprising duo comes up with an ingenious plan to rob a
rich family of a large inheritance. Incredibly, the swindle comes off,
but before the crooks can profit from their success Antoine gets himself
arrested for a far less serious crime. Thinking that her darling partner
will soon join her, Caroline leaves the country with a suitcase stuffed with
banknotes. Alas, things do not turn out as well as they might have
done. It is Antoine's honesty that is to be his undoing in the end...
© James Travers
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