Film Synopsis
It has long been thought that the lunar cycle has an influence over the affairs
of man, but does it also effect the relationships between men and women?
On the day that the start of summer coincides with a full moon, several couples
have good reason to think this is so as they fall foul of several mishaps
that have lunacy stamped all over them. The day starts well enough
and there is no sign of the troubles that are just around the corner.
Then, little by little, things start to go wrong. Lorry driver
Gérard's attempt to make up for the lost hour causes him to be stopped
for speeding. With his lorry impounded, he must continue his journey
in a hire car, and this is how he comes to give a lift to Caroline, a young
woman who has just got married to a sailor.
Since his wife has just left him, Gérard thinks it a good idea to
take an impromptu excursion to the Riviera with his unexpected travelling
companion. A detour results in him getting stuck in a traffic jam,
and before he knows it Gérard is having a raucous punch up with another
motorist, a surgeon. Unluckily for the lorry driver, he has picked
a fight with a man who is not in a particularly good mood after splitting
up with his mistress Sophie. Worse still, the belligerent surgeon has
about his person a sharp knife that could play havoc with Gérard's
love life. Is the moon to blame for all this? Who knows...?
© James Travers
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