Film Synopsis
Michel Trémois's carefully planned holiday has turned into his worst
nightmare. Having managed to miss the last train back to Paris, he
finds himself with a nosebleed, stranded in the provincial town where he
had hoped to breathe some life back into his stale marriage. As he
stumbles into a chemist's shop, he begins to piece together the bizarre events
of the past few days in an attempt to understand just how he ended up in
this sorry predicament. It began innocuously enough, with Michel and
Nadine agreeing to spend a weekend together at a provincial hotel.
The magic had long gone out of the couple's marriage and they both thought
a change of scene, a brief excursion to the provinces, would do them good.
It might even reawaken their love life. But as soon as they arrived
at that benighted hotel nothing went right for the couple. With one
of their neighbours performing singing exercises whilst another indulged
in a noisy spot of household maintenance, the prospect of a peaceful weekend
quickly went out of the window. Michel and Nadine's misfortunes continued
with a chance encounter with a partner-swapping couple who invited them out
to dinner. What happened thereafter Michel is still struggling to comprehend.
All that he knows is that his wife has gone missing and he is charged with
murder. He has had better holidays...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Guillaume Nicloux
- Script: Nathalie Leuthreau, Guillaume Nicloux, Jean-Bernard Pouy
- Music: Julien Doré, Makeup Department, Patrick Girault
- Cast: Jean-Pierre Darroussin (Michel Tremois),
Judith Godrèche (Nadine Tremois),
Josiane Balasko (Christiane Mercier),
Biyouna (Eva Lopez),
Pascal Bongard (Richard Ponce),
Léna Breban (Julie Vadec),
Garance Clavel,
Scali Delpeyrat (Fabien),
Camille de Sablet (Sandy),
Christian Drillaud (Alain),
Christophe Fluder (Nicolas Ajuria),
Yveline Hamon (Danielle),
Nicolas Jouhet (Olivier Desanti),
Valérie Lang (Catherine Bazinsky),
Françoise Lebrun (Marie-Paule),
Maxime Lefrançois (Rémi Van Groll),
Eric Naggar (Monsieur Abraham),
Julien Prévost (Bruno),
Marc Rioufol (Anthony Rivière),
Yves Verhoeven (Hervé Delteil)
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 90 min