Film Synopsis
By day, Anna Oz is an ordinary young woman, living in an ordinary
apartment in Paris. By night, in the chasm of her dreams, she
finds herself in Venice, living a life of luxury in a grand palace with
Marcello, a successful art thief. Anna becomes progressively
anxious as the same dream comes to her again and again, with ever
increasing clarity. Is it possible that she is living two lives,
in two different dimensions...?
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Eric Rochant
- Script: Gérard Brach, Eric Rochant
- Cinematographer: Pierre Lhomme
- Music: Steve Turre
- Cast: Charlotte Gainsbourg (Anna Oz),
Gérard Lanvin (Marcello),
Sami Bouajila (Marc),
Grégori Derangère (Thomas),
Emmanuelle Devos (Corinne),
Jean-Michel Fête (L'ami de Corinne),
Jim Adhi Limas (Le flic),
Vanille Attié (Epiphanie),
Richard Sammel (Le unconue),
Alain Ollivier (Dr. Victor Khan),
Catherine Ferran (Dr. Marina Marini),
Camille Japy (Dr. Florence),
Irène Tassembedo (L'Africaine),
Alice Chimirri (Fillette),
Pascaline Girardot (Fille hôtel),
Mathilde Vitry (Sophie)
- Country: France / Italy / Switzerland
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 98 min