Film Index

French cinema: 1952

Adorables créatures (1952)

André Noblet is a respected fashion designer who leads the most turbulent love life. He is devastated when his mistress Christine leaves him and goes back to her husband, but things pick up when he encounters the lovely Minouche, who is just the kind of woman he likes best...   [More...]

Les Amants maudits (1952)
Willy Rozier

Paul leads a humdrum life as a waiter in a café but, being a fan of hard-boiled thriller novels, he fantasises about becoming a cold-blooded gangster...   [More...]

L'Amour n'est pas un péché (1952)
Claude Cariven

Eliane Cahuzac and Jacques Loursier are both urgently in need of an apartment and Fate decides that they will end up sharing the same landing in the same Parisian apartment block...   [More...]

L'Amour, Madame (1952)
Gilles Grangier

François Célerier is a young university student who hopes to make his name as a playwright. He is attracted to fellow student Diane, but he is too shy to approach her and reveal his true feelings for her...   [More...]

Les Belles de nuit (1952)
René Clair

Claude, a modest music teacher, has become disillusioned with his waking life. No one appreciates his musical talents, his friends regard him as a fool, and the noise of daily hustle and bustles prevents him from writing his grand opera...   [More...]

Casque d'or (1952)
Jacques Becker

The setting is the Belleville district of Paris circa 1900. At a riverside guinguette, carpenter Georges Manda meets an attractive young woman named Marie and immediately falls under her spell...   [More...]

Coiffeur pour dames (1952)
Jean Boyer

Marius may be a humble sheepshearer in deepest Provence but he has dreams of becoming a ladies' hairdresser of the first rank...   [More...]

Le Curé de Saint-Amour (1952)
Émile Couzinet

On the day she is supposed to marry the respectable baron she is affianced to, Nicole elopes with the man she really loves, Jacques...   [More...]

Les Dents longues (1952)
Daniel Gélin

As he embarks on his journalistic career with a provincial newspaper, Louis Commandeur has high hopes of success, but his illusions are soon dispelled when his editor takes all of the credit for a scoop of his...   [More...]

Drôle de noce (1952)
Léo Joannon

Monsieur Barbezat, a well-liked Parisian concierge, gladly gives his consent when the good natured butcher Joseph Bonhomme asks for his daughter's hand in marriage...   [More...]

Elle et moi (1952)
Guy Lefranc

Jean Montaigu is a confirmed bachelor who loves the company of women but lives in mortal fear of getting snared in the matrimonial net...   [More...]

Fanfan la Tulipe (1952)

In the mid-1700s, Fanfan la Tulipe is an inveterate skirt-chaser whose days of youthful debauchery appear to be at end when he is forced into marrying his latest amorous conquest, a farmer's daughter...   [More...]

La Fête à Henriette (1952)
Julien Duvivier

When the censor rejects their latest script two screenwriters set about developing the scenario for a new film. They soon decide on their main characters - a young Parisian dressmaker named Henriette and her fiancé, a photo-journalist named Robert...   [More...]

La Fille au fouet (1952)
Jean Dréville

Pietro Pons lives a happy life in the mountains on the Swiss-Italian border with his mother Lamberta. No one but his mother knows that Pietro is a girl, a deception that Lamberta was forced into by a series of tragedies almost twenty years previously...   [More...]

Le Fruit défendu (1952)
Henri Verneuil

As he marks his 45th birthday at a dinner party with his nearest and dearest Charles Pellegrin appears to be the very model of middle-class respectability...   [More...]

La Fugue de Monsieur Perle (1952)
Pierre Gaspard-Huit

Bernard Perle and his wife Juliette run a bakery in a small provincial town. One day, Monsieur Perle receives a letter notifying him that his aunt has died and left him a legacy...   [More...]

Il est minuit, docteur Schweitzer (1952)
André Haguet

Winner of the Nobel Prize for peace in 1952, Albert Schweitzer's career began forty years earlier. After qualifying as a doctor of medicine at Strasbourg University, Schweitzer made up his mind to become a missionary in Africa, a continent desperately in need of his medical expertise...   [More...]

La Jeune folle (1952)
Yves Allégret

Ireland 1922. A nationalist uprising against England has claimed its first victims. As she performs her domestic chores at a Dublin convent, orphan Catherine thinks only of her brother Kevin, a Republican who is on the run from the government forces...   [More...]

Jeux interdits (1952)
René Clément

June 1940. Whilst fleeing from the Nazis during World War II, a convoy of French refugees is attacked from the air by German planes...   [More...]

Le Jugement de Dieu (1952)
Raymond Bernard

In the 15th century, Prince Albert of Bavria must marry the far from attractive Bertha de Wurtemberg for political reasons...   [More...]

Les Loups chassent la nuit (1952)
Bernard Borderie

Thomas Mollert. the head of a counter-espionage network, meets up with one of his agents, Cyril, in Trieste, to instruct him on his next assignment...   [More...]

Manina, la fille sans voile (1952)
Willy Rozier

Inspired by a lecture, hard-up student Gérard sets about recovering the lost treasure contained in a sunken Phoenician ship off the coast of Corsica...   [More...]

La Minute de vérité (1952)
Jean Delannoy

On the evening of his wedding anniversary, a respectable doctor, Pierre Richard, is called away to attend to a suicide victim...   [More...]

Monsieur Leguignon, lampiste (1952)
Maurice Labro

Diogène Leguignon is a humble railway employee whose good intentions rarely result in a happy outcome. Evicted from his home, he and his wife are forced to take up residence in a rundown shack in a less than desirable part of town...   [More...]

Monsieur Taxi (1952)
André Hunebelle

Pierre Verger is happy in his job as a Paris taxi driver. He may not be rich, he may not be famous, but he enjoys his work and has an adoring wife, Hélène...   [More...]

Nez de cuir (1952)
Yves Allégret

Among the many who lie dead or dying on a battlefield in 1814 is Roger de Tinchebraye. Although he survives his injuries, Roger is badly scarred and Dr Marchal can do nothing to save his once beautiful face...   [More...]

Nous sommes tous des assassins (1952)
André Cayatte

During World War II, a series of chance incidents lead an ill-educated young man, René Le Guen, to be recruited by the French Resistance...   [More...]

La P... respectueuse (1952)
Charles Brabant

Whilst taking a train journey in the southern United States, Lizzie McKay, a nightclub hostess, witnesses the killing of a black man by a drunken white man...   [More...]

Le Plaisir (1952)
Max Ophüls

The writer Guy de Maupassant recounts three of his short stories to show that pleasure should not be confused with happiness...   [More...]

Plume au vent (1952)
Louis Cuny

Although he is a veterinary by trade, Claude Magazelle has the soul of a poet, and as such has earned himself the nickname 'Plume au Vent' because of his resemblance to a feather in the wind...   [More...]

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