1625, France. The young d'Artagnan leaves his home in Gascony and sets out for Paris to fulfil his dream to serve as a musketeer under King Louis XIII...
In the autumn of 1952, a young woman doctor is working at a hospital in the suburbs of Moscow. She is desperate to become pregnant by her husband, a disillusioned physicist whose only reason for living is the love he has for his wife...
Little by little, normality returns to a small French town after World War II. The town is as scarred by the petty recriminations between its inhabitants as by the very evident signs of bombings...
In the spring of 1890, the impoverished artist Vincent Van Gogh moves to Auvers-sur-Oise, not far from Paris. He stays at a modest inn and places himself under the care of the kindly Dr Gachet...
In 1849, the calm of a small community on the bleak island St Pierre, off the coast of French Canada, is disrupted when a drunk stabs another man to death...
Ukraine, 1810. Two young Cossack brothers, Jakub and Vladimir, join the Russian army hoping to find relief from the misery of their existences...