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German cinema: Comedy

Astérix et Obélix Mission Cléopâtre (2002)
Alain Chabat

Cleopatra is the queen of Egypt. She is the proud ruler of a proud people, and there is nothing that infuriates her more than Julius Caesar's continual belittling of her country and its inhabitants...   [More...]

Die Austernprinzessin (1919)
Ernst Lubitsch

Mr Quaker is America's Oyster King, a millionaire businessman whose seafood empire is unsurpassed. But his daughter Ossi is unimpressed by his status and spends most of her time wrecking his house in her frequent temper tantrums...   [More...]

Die Bergkatze (1921)
Ernst Lubitsch

In the mountain town of Piffkaneiro, hundreds of desolate women gather to bid a sad farewell to Lieutenant Alexis, the popular military man who has touched all their hearts and left each one of them with a permanent reminder of their liaison, in the form of a child...   [More...]

Die Drei von der Tankstelle (1930)
Wilhelm Thiele

Returning home from a holiday, three friends - Willy, Kurt and Hans - learn they are bankrupt. Their fortune has evaporated and their possessions are being seized by the bailiffs...   [More...]

Die Feuerzangenbowle (1944)
Helmut Weiss

Four old men, gathered around a steaming punch bowl, reminisce over their happy school days. A younger, middle-aged, man joins them...   [More...]

La Folie des grandeurs (1971)
Gérard Oury

Don Salluste is the all-power minister and tax collector of the King of Spain. He delights in tyrannising the peasants with his band of loyal Black Knights...   [More...]

Ich möchte kein Mann sein (1918)
Ernst Lubitsch

Young Ossi rebels against her authoritarian uncle by smoking, drinking and playing cards. If only she were a man she would be free to do all the things she enjoys...   [More...]

Kohlhiesels Töchter (1920)
Ernst Lubitsch

Bavarian innkeeper Mathias Kohlhiesel has two daughters who could not be more different. Whereas Gretl is attractive, good-natured and cheerful, her sister Liesel is dowdy, irritable and moody...   [More...]

Die Puppe (1919)
Ernst Lubitsch

Lancelot is a sensitive young man who enjoys the carefree life of a bachelor. Imagine then his undiluted horror when he is summoned to his uncle, the wealthy Baron of Chanterelle, and told that he must marry in order to preserve the family line...   [More...]

Les Tontons flingueurs (1963)
Georges Lautner

Fernand Naudin, a one-time crook turned respectable businessman, is summoned to the deathbed of his old childhood friend, a gangster boss known as the Mexican...   [More...]

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