Hélène Fillières


Biography: life and films

Hélène Fillières is a French actress, screenwriter and film director. She was born in Paris, France on 1st May 1972.

Her best films as an actor include Sophie Fillières's comedy Aïe (2000), Marion Vernoux's Reines d'un jour (2001), Brice Cauvin's De particulier à particulier (2006), Frédéric Videau's À moi seule (2012) and Louis Becker's Les Papas du dimanche (2012), and whose best work as a film director include Une histoire d'amour (2013).

Hélène Fillières has so far appeared in 38 films, scripted 2 films and directed 2 films (including 1 short).

She has most frequently worked with the following directors: Tonie Marshall (3 films), Sophie Fillières (3), Pascal Bonitzer (2), Frédéric Videau (2), Claire Denis (2) and Arnaud Larrieu (2).

Her most frequent genres include: drama (16 films), comedy-drama (12), romance (7), comedy-romance (5), comedy (5) and Thriller (3).

Our average rating for Hélène Fillières over all films is: 2.7


Key: a = actor; w = writer; d = director

Amoureuse (1992) [a]

Sauve-toi (1993) [a]

Grande petite (1994) [a]

Adultère, mode d'emploi (1995) [a]

Encore (1996) [a]

Passage à l'acte (1996) [a]

Les Kidnappeurs (1998) [a]

La Bûche (1999) [a]

Peut-être (1999) [a]

Vénus beauté (institut) (1999) [a]

Aïe (2000) [a]

Reines d'un jour (2001) [a]

Au plus près du paradis (2002) [a]

Bord de mer (2002) [a]

Vendredi soir (2002) [a]

France Boutique (2003) [a]

La Fin du règne animal (2003) [a]

Un homme, un vrai (2003) [a]

Variété française (2003) [a]

Call Me Agostino (2006) [a]

De particulier à particulier (2006) [a]

Lady Chatterley (2006) [a]

Coupable (2008) [a]

La Grande vie (2009) [a]

Pièce montée (2010) [a]

Les Yeux de sa mère (2011) [a]

Low Life (2011) [a]

À moi seule (2012) [a]

Les Papas du dimanche (2012) [a]

Les Salauds (2013) [a]

Opium (2013) [a]

Une histoire d'amour (2013) [d,w]

Arès (2016) [a]

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